Tuition Extension 45 mins to 60 mins / Per Class / Per Week


Tuition Extension – 45 mins to 60 mins / Per Class / Per Week

This payment is for extending a 45-minute lesson to a 60-minute lesson per week. The total amount should be calculated by multiplying the per-class extension fee by the number of weeks remaining in the semester.

 Applicable for students upgrading their weekly lesson duration from 45 minutes to 60 minutes

 Must be paid in advance for the remaining weeks of the semester

 Non-refundable and non-transferable

 This extension applies only to existing students with an active enrollment

课时延长 – 45 分钟延长至 60 分钟 / 每节课 / 每周

此付款用于将每周 45 分钟课程延长至 60 分钟,学费按剩余学期的周数计算,总金额为每节课延长费用乘以本学期剩余的周数。

 适用于希望将课程时长从 45 分钟升级至 60 分钟的学生




Tuition Extension: Increase Lesson Time from 45 mins to 60 mins / Lesson (New Tuition Price)

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